In Key Stage Two there is a big focus on developing the pupils to become independent learners as this is a key life skill.  Towards the end of Key Stage Two we believe that our pupils are ‘high school ready’ and have learnt the skills necessary to excel during the next phase of their education.  During Key Stage Two we want to further develop the pupils love for learning and engage them in fun activities as well as preparing them for their end of school exams. We believe that if learning is fun and engaging the children will succeed.  Following the school’s ethos of a mastery approach to learning we allow all children and actively encourage all children to believe that they can achieve. The high standards and excellent ethos towards a love of learning instilled during EYFS and KS1, is maintained and further enhanced during KS2. Key Stage Two work closely together and collaborate learning where we can; this smooths the transition between classes and children can benefit from a team approach to their education.