Mission, Aims and Values
At Wood Lane Primary School our ultimate goal is for pupils to become self-motivated, independent learners with a wide range of generic study skills that will prove useful to them throughout their lives. Whilst engaged in this process we also want them to have fun, to enjoy their childhood.
We seek to make a real difference to children’s lives by providing them with the skills they will require to be successful, both now, as children, and in the future. The curriculum we offer is designed to prepare them for life and work in the twenty-first century.
We are committed to children leaving this school having achieved high standards in the basic skills of reading, writing and arithmetic. In addition, we wish to inspire them by offering an exciting, broad, dynamic and varied curriculum experience that embraces the arts, music and sport.
Wood Lane Primary School is a community of learners where everyone can be successful and strive to continually improve on their personal best, through our school motto "Be the best version of yourself".
The school will try to:
- treat all children fairly, care for them and ensure their safety
- ensure that all children are well taught so they achieve the best possible academic results
- help all children to develop a sense of personal responsibility and an awareness of the importance of being considerate and caring towards other
- provide an educational service that meets the individual needs of all children within the school community
- peep parents regularly informed about their child’s progress and about all aspects of school life
- be welcoming at all times and offer parents the opportunity to become involved in the daily life of the school
- promote physical fitness and an awareness of the importance of personal hygiene, exercise and diet
- develop in each child an understanding, appreciation and respect for different religions, beliefs and moral values. Through the development of tolerance and mutual understanding we seek to prepare children for living in a multi-cultural society
- provide children with a broad and varied educational experience which incorporates the National Curriculum and fully embraces physical education, the arts and music
- look for opportunities to instil within children the core values that underpin our school curriculum, the school rules ‘Be ready, be respectful, be responsible' and the school moto 'be the best version of yourself'. These values include 'Resilience, Aspiration, Pride, Positivity, Empathy, Respect and Safety'.
Our values are an integral part of our school culture. Twice a term we take one value as the topic of a special assembly. Our school staff, will nominate a child each week from their class who has demonstrated the weekly school value that is being focused upon that week, to receive a values certificate in the Friday celebration assembly. Certificate will go onto a board in the school entrance. We hope that this approach allows our children to think deeply about each value and embed it into their own behaviour which then contributes to the culture of the school as a whole.
Our school values are;
- Resilience
- Aspiration
- Pride
- Positivity
- Empathy
- Respect
- Safety