Pastoral, Mental Health & Wellbeing

Positive wellbeing is promoted through the curriculum and other school activities. Through a carefully planned approach to PSHE, our pupils acquire the knowledge and develop the skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and become resilient, informed and responsible citizens.

Curricular and Extra-curricular Support

We support the mental health and wellbeing of all pupils through: 

  • building strong relationships centered around mutual respect 
  • a school ethos which empowers tolerance and respect
  • clear rules, routines, expectations and consequences
  • targeted pastoral and learning support
  • opportunities for intellectual, physical and expressive development in the classroom
  • circle time, social stories and worry boxes
  • trained mental health first aiders (VIP)
  • targeted mental health provision from North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare 

At Wood Lane the children's wellbeing is considered a great importance. The following links are to help support you and your child's wellbeing and mental health:

 This will be a particularly challenging time for children and parents alike and taking care of our mental health and well-being has never been so important. 


Helpful Websites: 

The mental health charity offer advice and support on mental health and wellbeing. You can access support specifically relating to the coronavirus for both children and adults here: Mind - Coronavirus support

 NSPCC: Talking to a child worried about Coronavirus: NSPCC

CAHMS ResourcesCAMHS Resources (

 Anna Freud - National Centre for children and families: Coronavirus Support

 BPS - Offering advice to schools, parents and carers to help children through these uncertain times: Advice on school closures

 Mental health and behaviour in schools - GOV.UK

Coronavirus support for children and parents:

 Coronavirus - A book for children!  /  Coronavirus - Back to school story!

Supporting children's mental health!

Helping to beat the worries!

Mental Health resources for Parents: Mental Health Wellbeing Resources for Parents

Mental Health resources for children: Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources for Children

A book all about Coronavirus from a children's Nurse: Dave the Dog

A story all about social contact: social-contact-story.pdf

Never too young to talk about Mental Health: Lets Talk About Mental Health

Stress busters for children!

Tips for talking about COVID-19!

Looking after our body and feelings!

A book about worries -

Why do we wash our hands?

Why do wash our hands with soap?

Horrid Hands Fact Sheet

Activities for children:






 Horrid Hands Fact Sheet

Horrid Hands Colour in activity

Horrid hands Quiz

Challenges for the children at home: 14 Day Challenge

















New Ways November 2024