Teaching and Learning

At Wood Lane Primary School, to ensure high quality teaching and learning for all of our children, no matter what their starting point may be, we use Rosenshine's Principles. This research-based approach ensures that lessons are well structured, purposeful, progressive and provide support all pupils. Not only does this approach promote inclusion but ensures that lessons are coherent, structured but that they build on prior learning to support clear outcomes. The principles also allow for lessons to provide timely and effective feedback to children, providing clear next steps whilst also allowing children to reflect upon their learning in each and every lesson.  

There are 10 principles, which are: 

Begin the lesson with a retrieval activity and review of previous learning.

Present new material in small steps.

Ask a large number of questions (and to all students).

Provide models and worked examples.

Practise using the new material.

Check for understanding frequently and correct errors.

Obtain a high success rate.

Provide scaffolds for difficult tasks.

Independent practice.

Monthly and weekly reviews.